"Rohan Bernett" <rox### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
I'm waiting patiently for the camera_view pigment and perhaps at a later
date a scene pigment where a pigment is taken from an entirely separate
I would also like to see uv_mapping for functions, so that uv_mapped and
traditional pigments can be combined and manipulated the way that other
function pigments can.
The point of my response however is to ask how polygon displacement can
do anything which isosurfaces cannot do. I would like some clarification
because now I really cannot see the point.
What would be interesting is a set of mesh structures which could be
"built" when rendering and require less memory usage. For example, a
mesh box which would only need 8 vertices stored in memory. PoV-Ray
would know where the 12 triangles should be. This would be most useful
for grass, tiny spaceship details, flower petals, etc. Even better would
be some way to define a set list of triangles (as vertex list
references) for any list of the correct number of vertices. Just
throwing this out there. I've of course got no idea how to implement it.
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